We are so grateful when law enforcement takes on horse neglect cases, so when they reached out for help placing these horses we were happy to help!
With limited finances, most counties are struggling to meet all the needs of their residents. Horse neglect cases are expensive and time consuming. They require additional staff (care takers, officers, attorneys, etc.), supplies, space to house the horses, and skills and programs in place to tame, train and adopt the horses once they are released. It’s a lot to ask of an already overtaxed system. So when we get the call, we try our hardest to help!
In this case, the Baker County Sheriff’s Office stepped in and helped 11 horses back in October. The court proceedings are over and the previous owner now has a lifetime ban on horse ownership. Five horses were adopted by the county’s foster homes, leaving 6 to place.
Unfortunately, these horses are not yet tame. We often get asked to take on the most difficult horses and we are ok with that. That’s what we are here for, to save the most vulnerable. The ones that need a more specialized set up and set of skills. After all, they are likely just fearful and definitely deserve a chance.
We are extremely fortunate that Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue has agreed to take on 3 of these horses (mare, gelding and yearling) so that just leaves Waldo, Odell and Marion for us. We have yet to meet these horses in person and they have not been handled enough to get ages, but we are told Waldo appears to be a younger gelding, Odell appears to be a teenage stallion, and Marion appears to be an adult mare who is likely pregnant.
They are on a trailer as we speak, heading our way. Ready for their new lives to begin. Stay tuned for more photos and information. Together we can not only help these animals, but also let law enforcement in Oregon know we are here to back them up on horse neglect.