December 20, 2019—
Please say hello to our Christmas Trio—Cindy Lou Who, Betty Lou Who and Major Augustus!
Christmas 2018 that is. These three horses have been in protective custody with us since December 6th, 2018. But they were not legally ours — so we could not tell their story or ask for help on their behalf — until 12:01 pm TODAY (December 20, 2019).
We have been quietly caring for these three horses for an entire year and, with the continued support of our community, we can now make sure they find the loving, caring homes they deserve. But our ability to say yes to horses like these depends on the support of people like you. Join us in caring for vulnerable horses in our community by donating today at
Back in December of 2018, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office asked us to care for three abandoned horses. Their previous owner had convinced an elderly gentleman to let her board her horses in his field. But then she stopped paying board, providing food or even showing up to care for these horses. This poor man, who was trying to survive on a fixed income and who was having a hard time just getting around, was left to feed and care for them.
Thankfully, neighbors stepped in to help, purchasing feed and caring for the horses on a daily basis. After about 6 months of this, the sheriff’s office was called, which asked us to take in these horses and filed abandonment charges against the previous owner.
Legal cases take time, but this one took longer than most because the suspect failed to show up for court. An arrest warrant was issued, but no one knew where to find her, so we simply had to wait. Eventually, we hired our own attorney to put an adjusters lien on the horses for their expenses. That lien was foreclosed on TODAY and the horses are now officially ours!
Now these horses can go from a custody status where we could only provide care, to becoming one of ours that we can finally start training under saddle in preparation for their new loving homes! Will you help us continue to care for these three deserving horses? AND be there for the next abandoned horse that needs us?
Thanks to your previous support, we were able to take these three horses in last year, but what if we get a similar call for help today Please help us care for Cindy Lou Who, Betty Lou Who, Major Augustus and the many more that are bound to come our way soon. Please donate today at