Mother, champion, and survivor
When Law Enforcement or Animal Control calls for our help, we often need to act fast to get horses to safety. That is why it is crucial for us to have funds ready for the next group of horses in need. Your donations are what allow us to say yes to those emergency calls.
Take Viva for example: this October her previous owner had been charged with dog neglect. As part of her plea agreement, this person could no longer own any animals, so the City of Eugene took ownership of her horses and asked for our help placing them.
The court ordered Viva’s previous owner to continue to care for the horses for 30 days while homes were found, but after we viewed the horse’s conditions we wanted to remove them off the property and into better care fast.
On October 26th, 2022 we loaded up Viva and her 10 herd mates and took them directly to the veterinarian’s office for exams. Our veterinarian scored Viva at a 2.5 / 9 body condition score. She was dramatically underweight, with severely cracked hooves and was also 8 months pregnant.

viva rescue awards and ribbons
After the vet scanned her microchip, we did some investigating, and found out Viva was imported from Europe a few years ago and used as a level 4 dressage horse. Her good manners and size made that story very plausible, but she was tired and withdrawn. Then her prospective adopter came to visit. Viva perked up and attached herself to her new mom instantly, it was a match meant to be!
Viva will never again be a competition horse. Radiographs and palpation of her front suspensory ligaments show significant, chronic injuries. In the last 3 weeks with some rest, good quality forage and vitamins this big red mare is already making a comeback.
An ultrasound revealed that her baby looks good and is active. Viva will continue to gain weight and strength to better prepare to have a new foal at her side sometime in February or March. Once her foal is weaned, Viva will be allowed to live a quiet retired life on a beautiful farm where she will continue to once again be well cared for and loved.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 today to create a safety net for the next 4 horses in need this winter. The more we raise, the more horses we can help!