Sound Equine Options is a 501c3 that exists solely on private donations, small grants, and fundraising. Donations go directly to helping local horses.
We are proud to say that in 2012, 94.8% of all funds spent this year went directly into our programs below:
49% Foster horse expenses (veterinary care, feed, hauling, and training)
40% Housing and care of horses seized by law enforcement
5 % Veterinary care for horses owned by other rescue groups or individuals
0.4% Euthanasia Clinic Program
0.4% Rescue Blanket Program
Donations can be mailed to: Sound Equine Options, PO Box 1150, Gresham , OR 97030
Want to Donate directly with a one-time payment?
Have Extra Tack to Donate? Please Contact us!
If you are interested in adopting any of the horses that are currently available, please fill out an adoption application and email it to
If you don’t see your perfect horse yet, but think that some day you would like to adopt a Sound Equine Options horse, please fill out an application now so we know what type of horse you are looking for, and if he/she comes along, we can let you know!
We appreciate your willingness to open your heart and home to horses in need. Your dedication allows our organization to rescue horses that we would otherwise have to turn away due to lack of space in our existing foster homes.
The overall mission of the Foster Care Program is to give horses individualized care to ensure that they will make an easy transition into training or to their new forever home.
To become an approved Foster Home, fill out and submit the Foster Application.
Sound Equine Options was founded in 2009 and is volunteer based. Volunteers are involved in virtually all aspects of Sound Equine Options from cleaning stalls to finding the perfect forever homes. The strength of our volunteer program at Sound Equine Options determines our ability to impact our community and its horses.
Check our calendar dates for orientations and upcoming events for opportunities to help.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about volunteering.
“I always thought someone should do something about that…then I realized that I am that someone.”